NodeJS connect to backend over 2 way SSL - certificates

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I am trying to use NodeJS to connect to the backend over https. Using the request module to connect

var options = { url: '', method:'POST', cert: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/xxxx.cer', 'utf-8'), key: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/xxxx.key', 'utf-8'), agent: false, rejectUnauthorized: false, auth:{ 'password':'xxx.' } };

It works perfectly fine...My question is should I have the cer/pem files in a directory or is there a way to use the keystore...

We have different certificates for production and other environments. what is the best way to manage the certificates.

Thanks in advance

0 2 471

Apigee node.js does not allow a way to access the keystore, truststore on Edge.

To manage certs for different environments, you can use deploy time (CI/CD tools) to bundle the right certificate for a specific environment. So only the right certs are present in the bundle for an environment.


Thanks for coming back..

where should we store the certificate files?
