No auto-save functionality in Edge UI ?

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Why there is no auto-save functionality in Edge UI ?

While modifying policies through UI, it will help to save the changes after regular interval.

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I think you'd likely end up saving a proxy in an unusable state, or with misconfigured entities.

A good rule of thumb is to keep policies simple enough so that you have natural save points fairly frequently while working.

New Member

There's no autosave of proxies at this point. While I do agree that autosave would be a good option, I see the practical difficulties with auto saving too.

1. When you save a proxy to the same revision which is deployed, using the UI it actually saves and seploys the revision. So auto save would not be a good candidate in this case.

2. If we autosave the proxy definition periodically, there are chances that the proxy has some errors in which case the save would either throw an error or the peoxy would get saved with errors.

If we isolate the save and deploy steps then auto save might be a good option and deploy can be an explicit action which is controlled by the proxy developer.

I agree. The auto-save functionality i mentioned was to save the code snippets at a regular interval and not auto-deploy the proxy at the regular interval.

Not applicable

I understand this answer doesn't address your question directly; it suggests options to your underlying issues about losing unsaved work.

While Edge UI doesn't provide this functionality, you can still work offline and have the auto-save feature from your local environment provided by your IDE of choice. e.g., Sublime, Webstorm, Eclipse, etc. And yes, most of these editors don't provide some the functionality that the UI provides e.g. content generation for policies. But after working for a while with them, you'll realize some benefits too. Such as: running API proxies locally (with Node.js), testing, static code analysis, code coverage, document generation, and other integration provided by build tools such as Grunt, Maven.