Newline character introduced in long messages logged to a syslog server

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I am logging messages to a syslog server using the Message Logging policy and I find that if the message logged is too long, the message gets split into multiple lines while being logged in the syslog server (even though the actual message itself does not have any newline characters as seen in trace)

As per the docs "The Message Logging policy writes logged messages in memory to a buffer. The message logger reads messages from the buffer and then writes to the destination that you configure. Each destination has its own buffer.”

Need info on the message logger component that reads messages from the buffer and writes to a syslog server. The component seems to be introducing newline characters in the message logged if it is a large message, even though the actual message does not have any newline characters. (we are logging payloads). The customer wants this logged in a single line. Is this possible?

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Former Community Member
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Are you able to post contents of the message logging policy (XML descriptor) here?


Were you able to resolve it? I am also facing something similar. I noticed that long message is get split into multiple new lines, each of around 2KB in syslog.


hi Aneesh,

can you please post a new question and provide your policy configuration there?
