Netsuite from Apigee

Looking to understand connecting to Netsuite financial products from Apigee. Any learnings that the community can share to make it easier to get started with.

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I wonder if this Netsuite SuiteTalk SDK NPM works on Trireme. It has a decent number of downloads. I'd take it for a spin. You might get lucky!

Just keep in mind that arrow functions aren't supported in ES5. So, you need to replace those callback to ES5 syntax.

According to it you can do stuff like:

netSuiteClient.get('customer', '12345', (err, data) =>
 if (data && data.readResponse && data.readResponse.status && data.readResponse.status.attributes && data.readResponse.status.attributes.isSuccess)

or to update:

netSuiteClient.update('Customer', '12345', fields, (err, data) =>
 if (err)
 console.log('ERROR\n', err);
 if (data && data.writeResponse && data.writeResponse.status && data.writeResponse.status.attributes && data.writeResponse.status.attributes.isSuccess)
 console.log('Update was successful');

I guess it hard to do within Apigee (due to complexity of API). It is easier done via a microservice (cloud function/ cloud run or GKE based). ApiGee <> Microservice <> Nesuite.