Need a management api url to approve/revoke company app credentials.

Hi, @dchiesa1 

I have created a company and added developers to it , also created an app which is a company app and added products to it. Now I have a requirement where i need to approve /revoke the credentials of that company app which allows/restricts the access to the products mapped that company app.

when surfed through the document in the link(, the url has a place holder for developer mail but when we see the company app it doesn't have developer instead it has company , hence we tried with company params in the url for which we see 200 ok but the key is not revoked.

curl -X POST -H "Content-type:application/octet-stream" http://managementurl:8080/v1/organizations/lab/companies/test-asim-company/apps/myapp/keys/<clientkey>?action=revoke -u

when we tried with developer mail as per documentation we are getting below error.

curl -X POST -H "Content-type:appilcation/octet-stream" http://managementurl:8080/v1/organizations/lab/developers/<clientkey>?action=revoke -u

"code" : "developer.service.AppDoesNotExist",
"message" : "App named myapp does not exist under",
"contexts" : [ ]
please advise on the above.Thanks in advance!

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