Multiple Target Endpoints in the same API

How can I invoke different target endpoints in the same API?

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Well it depends on exactly what you mean.

there is a thing in Apigee called :Route Rules: which allows you to direct a possibly transformed inbound request to one of a number of targets.

So if you mean "how can I direct request 1 to target 1, while request 2 goes to target2?" That would satisfy. You can include arbitrary conditions in the RouteRule, so you can route based on time of day, on the status of the Oauth token, on the client id, and anything else, or a combination of those things.

If what you want is to "mash up" multiple responses into one response to be sent to the original client, that's a different thing. For that you can use ServiceCallout.

Check the documentation for "RouteRule" or "ServiceCallout" for more information on either of these things.