Monetization Transactions are not getting captured in Monetization Reports

Hi Team,

Please find below the issue we are facing while configuring the Monetization on Edge.

1. Issue we are facing while configuring the Monetization Report tab on Edge, Published packages & Product are not getting loaded.


2. the transactions are not getting captured with RatePlan applied in the Reports generated under Saved Reports




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Check the following:

  • Package (Product bundle in the new UI) should have Transaction success criteria set so that the engine can determine which transactions to monetize. Here's an example where all transactions with a successful status code (200) are monetized:


  • Make a few calls to the monetized APIs
  • Use the transaction Status API to see if the transactions are being rated properly. If no transactions found, open a support ticket.
  • Then to see if the summarizing jobs work correctly, you should run the Summary report at least a half-hour later. Make sure to include the current date (default parameters leave today out)
  • If you're still not seeing a CHARGE line in the report, open a support ticket.

Hi Team, I followed the mentioned steps and run all the commands but still I'm not finding any transactions. Please suggest.

I would suggest you open a support request; our support team will be able to diagnose what's going on in your particular case.

You can also take a look at the our docs page for more steps on troubleshooting such issues.