Monetization Enablement Failure

I am enabling monetization on fresh apigee on prem installation. I have already installed and provided provision to monetization successfully.

Now when I'm setting up monetization according to apigee documentation.(link below)

The very first API of aysncjob enablement is failing with below mention response

1. POST https://ms_IP:port/v1/mint/asyncjobs/enablemonetization

{ "orgName" : "######", "mxGroup" : "mxgroup", "pgHostName" : "IP", "pgPort" : "5432", "pgUserName" : "apigee", "pgPassword" : "postgres", "adminEmail" : "######", "notifyTo" : "########", "taxEngineExternalId" : "" }

On above api call I get following response

{ "id": "906aceb3-8d67-4119-8b0e-4f9378ffeXXX", "log": "", "orgId": "######", "status": "RUNNING", "type": "ENABLE_MINT" }

On which when I try to get response on the provided id I get following failure


{ "id": "906aceb3-8d67-4119-8b0e-4f9378ffeXXX", "log": "ERROR: relation \"organization\" does not exist\n Position: 622 {prepstmnt 526724074 \nSELECT t0.CREATED, t0.CREATED_BY, t0.UPDATED, t0.UPDATED_BY, \n t0.APPROVE_TRUSTED, t0.APPROVE_UNTRUSTED, \n t0.BILLING_CYCLE_TYPE, t0.COUNTRY, t0.CURRENCY, t0.DESCRIPTION, \n t0.HAS_BILLING_ADJUSTMENT, t0.HAS_BROKER, t0.HAS_SELF_BILLING, \n t0.HAS_SEPARATE_INV_FOR_PROD, t0.ISSUE_NETTING_STMT, \n t0.LOGO_URL, t0.NAME, t0.NET_PAYMENT_ADVICE_NOTE, \n t0.NETTING_STMT_PER_CURRENCY, t0.ORG_TYPE, t0.REG_NO, \n t0.HAS_SELF_BILLING_AS_EXCH_ORG, t0.SELF_BILLING_FOR_ALL_DEV, \n t0.IS_SEPARATE_INV_FOR_FEES, t0.STATUS, \n t0.SUPPORTED_BILLING_TYPE, t0.TAX_ENGINE_EXTERNAL_ID, \n t0.TAX_MODEL, t0.TAX_NEXUS, t0.TAX_REG_NO, t0.TIMEZONE, \n t0.TXN_RELAY_URL \n FROM ORGANIZATION t0 \n WHERE t0.ID = ? \n} [code=0, state=42P01]", "orgId": "######", "status": "FAILED", "type": "ENABLE_MINT" }

0 2 414

As discussed with Apigee Support , the steps for Enabling Monetization that are documented here:

Above async job steps should not be necessary, and by the looks of it may actually cause problems.

These step shouldn't be part of documentation and apigee will remove these steps.

Based on what I found, this step was introduced since 4.18.05, which means:

- if you are on 4.18.01 or earlier version: you should go with the provision command "apigee-service apigee-provision enable-monetization -f configFile" shown in the below link:


- if you are on 4.18.05 and above, you should go with the POST curl shown in the below link:


Not sure if the provision command works in 4.18.05 and above, I guess it should work without problems. Hope one of the Apigee team members can confirm this.