Message processor unable to send message to qpid

We are unable to see analytic data for api calls and getting below error in the message processor. QPID server is running and we are able to telnet both QPID server from message processor.

2018-11-09 13:32:54,033 org:test env:test DataPusherThread-2 ERROR SERVICES.COLLECTION - DataPusher.sendToQpid() : Failed attempt to send Message to any producer in list [Procucer : Connection='Connection : 0 Host = ip-10-1-4-15.ap-southeast-1.compute.internal url=amqp://null:********@ip-10-1-4-13.ap-southeast-1.compute.internal/?brokerlist='tcp://'ANONYMOUS'&connecttimeout='5000''' not connected, Procucer : Connection='Connection : 1 Host = ip-10-1-5-15.ap-southeast-1.compute.internal url=amqp://null:********@ip-10-1-4-13.ap-southeast-1.compute.internal/?brokerlist='tcp://'ANONYMOUS'&connecttimeout='5000''' not connected]
0 4 995

I am having same issue after 4.19.06 upgrade. Did this get resolved?

2020-07-03 11:54:43,819 org:DigitalVZFabric env:dev DataPusherThread-2 ERROR SERVICES.COLLECTION - DataPusher.sendToQpid() : Failed attempt to send Message to any producer in list [Procucer : Connection='Connection : 5 Host = url=amqp://null:********@/?brokerlist='tcp://'PLAIN'&connecttimeout='5000'' Not Connected.' not connected]
2020-07-03 11:54:44,576 Apigee-Timer-4 WARN SERVICES.HEALTH_MONITOR - TCPMonitor.monitor() : Connect Failed

Rsolved the issue by running the apigee setup.

/opt/apigee/apigee-setup/bin/ -p qs -f configFile

Hello, We are getting similar issue after 4.51.00 upgrade.

We already rerun the setup on qpid and postgres nodes but still the same issue.

The axstatus is showing OK. Please let us know if anyone found the solution for it.

curl -k "https://mgmt-host/v1/organizations/myorg/environments/dev/provisioning/axstatus
"environments" : [ {
"components" : [ {
"hosts" : "[qs ip list]",
"message" : "success",
"name" : "qs",
"status" : "SUCCESS",
"uuid" : "[ , seperated-uuid-list of qpid nodes]"
}, {
"hosts" : "[ps ip list]",
"message" : "success at Thu May 30 13:14:22 UTC 2019",
"name" : "pg",
"status" : "SUCCESS",
"uuid" : "[: seperated-uuid-list of PS nodes]"
} ],
"message" : "",
"name" : "dev"
} ],
"organization" : "myorg",
"status" : "SUCCESS"