Maven Deployment issue with override option.

I have used below command to deploy a proxy.

mvn clean install -Ptest -Dusername=username -Dpassword=password -Doptions=override

The command deploying the new revision to apigee successfully but not clearing the previous revision from UI. Please find attached image for details.


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@Chandrakanth Polepally

Thats the intended behavior of the plugin. Apigee has the concept of revisions so that you can track your changes, releases and quickly rollback to another one if needed. You have two options

  1. If you want the plugin to update the existing deployed revision with the latest source code then change your -Doptions to "update" instead of "override"
  2. If you want to use override option, then in your build, find the revision you want to delete and then delete that revision using the Management API directly. The plugin will not be doing that.

Hope that clarifies

@Sai Saran Vaidyanathan

What ypu mentioned is correct. i am not expecting the maven plugin to delete the previous revision. But if you observe the attached image proxy.png you will be able to figure out the issue.

The issue is ui is showing older version in overview tab with inactive status.

@Chandrakanth Polepally - thanks for clarifying. Is this happening for all proxies or just this one? Please check the logs from the Maven call to see if there are any issues

Tank you, Its happening for all the proxies. i think there is no issue at proxy level. however i will check the maven logs and let you know.

Please reach out to Apigee support