Management APIs in the Proxy flows

I am trying to make a management API call using service callout policy with in the proxy flow. This is to display all the endpoints configured with in the proxy. Below is the service callout policy which I have configured


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ServiceCallout async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="SC_GetPath">
    <Request clearPayload="false" variable="myRequest">
                <Header name="Authorization">{UserAuthorization}</Header>


Is Apigee not recommending to use the management API calls with in the proxy flows? are these only for the Admin process? 

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Is the question related an issue where you are unable to fetch the values using api call ? Looking at your request I see Verb is missing but in general it works fine.

Unsure if there is any restrictions on management api but general guidance is to be caution on the usage & appropriate guard rails across such proxy endpoints(enabling mTLS/IP whitelist) will help even internally as well if you making changes to the objects(POST/PUT etc operations).