Manage Private Cloud with REST APIs,Apigee Private Cloud REST APIs for management

Not applicable

Public Cloud has ability to be managed with REST APIs like described here.

E.g.: Developer Application creation can be done by requesting{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/app...

Is there similar ability for Private Cloud Apigee?

Can it be done for Private Cloud without using Edge Management Console, just using the APIs?


There are REST APIs for management in Apigee Public Cloud.

E.g. for creating Developer Application documentation. it can be done with request to{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/app...

Is there same APIs available for Apigee Private Cloud?

Is there any ability to manage developers, applications etc. in Apigee Private Cloud using APIs instead of Management UI Console?

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Yes & Yes.

All the capabilities which are in Public Cloud are available in Apigee Private Cloud setup as well.

Once you setup with in Private cloud you should able to use the IP where Management Server is running as below.

https://<<private cloud management server IP >/v1/organizations/{org_name}/developers/{developer_email_or_id}/apps