Loading offline trace collected via API

I love the trace capability of Apigee. I mostly use it when I have to face a backend to backend integration with a customer.

In order to overcome the limitation of 10 minutes of recording time when I activate the trace on the GUI, I ofter activate debug session and retrieve the log via API.

Is there a way to load the traces collected in that way on the Offlne trace tool?

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Hi @fabiobortoli

Not sure I understand your question completely. Are you looking for a way to get the trace collected outside of the debug session and completely offline ? You will not be able to do that. The trace is performed as part of a debug session only. There are Mgmt APIs for debug session or else you can download the trace session from the UI as well.

If you are looking to run analysis on existing trace files - check this out. This tool can run analysis on a trace file (old trace files) that are downloaded or run report remotely as well (which downloads the files too).

Please reach out if you have more questions regarding this or if I have not answered your question.


I want to use the great feature above, the offline trace loading. I found that I can load only traces collected via GUI and not via API.

I am asking if there is a way to workaround that.

Nevertheless thanks for the information you provided will review them soon

Not applicable

A second solution for you to consider is this tool - open source not commercially supported - that provides a CLI interface for capturing trace continuously:


This writes individual message traces to a local directory for offline analysis. It could easily be extended to gather messages into one or more files.