Large File Upload via Apigee

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There are some discussions about chunking and streaming for large file upload, but what we are exploring is the multi-part upload to backend file system via API. We'd like to know the best practices of using the API gateways as a means to transfer files and what's the file limit.


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@Jie Shen You can transfer large files through Apigee, but you have to enable streaming on the proxy endpoint and target endpoint.

The default file size limitations are described here, but I have copied it below.

What else should I know about streaming?

Message payload size is restricted to the following. Exceeding those sizes results in a protocol.http.TooBigBody error.

10MB in Edge cloud
3MB in Edge for Private Cloud

As I mentioned before, if your payload is larger than 10MB/3MB for Edge cloud/Edge private cloud, then you must enable streaming on both the proxy endpoint and target endpoint. For Edge private cloud, you have the ability to change the limit.

<TargetEndpoint name="default">
      <Property name="response.streaming.enabled">true</Property>
      <Property name="request.streaming.enabled">true</Property>
<ProxyEndpoint name="default">
      <Property name="response.streaming.enabled">true</Property>
      <Property name="request.streaming.enabled">true</Property>


I have an other question about size limitation for uploading files in a REST service.

It is possible to exceed 10 Mo (cloud APIGEE) by streeming activation ...

The question is : is REST API really a good way to upload files ??? I'm note sure.

Does APIGEE offer metrics of responding time by size ? (ex : 10 Mo <> 5 sec)...

Thanks a lot.

Hi @Laurent.LIENARD

Can you please post this as a new question?

Not applicable

@Jie Shen could you please share the use case for large files? API's are supposed to be light weight. Just trying to see if other customers are able to leverage Apige for something else other than lightweight APIs