K8s deployment Error in Qwicklab learning module.

Hi All, 

I have been trying to clear the below Lab for Apigee Hybrid installation. I have been following instruction as provided in the lab however when I run this command on task 10 .  I get error , I am not sure which file should I check for the below error . I have tried looking into values.json and overrides-test.yaml files but couldn't find any thing.  Any help / leads would be highly appreciated.

Command generating the error.

"$APIGEECTL_HOME/apigeectl init -f overrides/overrides-test.yaml --dry-run=client"

Error(Screenshot attached):- 
unable to determine deployment names from k8s: unable to parse kubectl json output: invalid character 'w' looking for beginning of value

Lab Details 
Installing Apigee Hybrid on GKE
@anilsagar @hanselm 


0 1 395

This error is due to the recent requirement of a new gke-cloud-auth-plugin that is to be installed along with kubectl and other clients like apigeectl to authenticate access to GKE clusters. Please execute the commands below, before running apigeectl init:

In Cloud Shell, run the following commands:

  1. Install the plugin

    sudo apt-get install google-cloud-sdk-gke-gcloud-auth-plugin
  2. To use the plugin, set an environment variable:

  3. Re-authenticate to the cluster:

    gcloud container clusters get-credentials apigee-hybrid