JSON Extraction

Not applicable

Hi Everyone,

I need to extract value of a field based on a condition from the below JSON object in the flow, Can you please help.

I need to value of field b based on the value of a, like in below, It should return 2 if I pass 1

[ {

thank you!!

1 2 441

Not applicable

Tried this code, but returns error org.mozilla.javascript.Undefined@25ef85d5.

var tempPayLoad = context.getVariable("Response");

var tempPayLoadObj = JSON.parse(tempPayLoad);
var searchField = "EmailAddress";
var searchVal = "a@b.com";
var auditorId;
for (var i in tempPayLoadObj )
    if (i.searchField == searchVal) {
auditorId = i.AuditorID;


Hi Pranay

Your question is a pretty generic one, unrelated to Apigee Edge, really. This is just basic Javascript logic. Here's some code that does what you asked for:

var data = [ {

function findA(targetA) {
  var found = data.find(function(item){ return item.a == targetA; });
  return (found) ? found.b : null;

var toFind = '1';

console.log('for %s, found %s', toFind, findA(toFind));

You can adapt the above to replace a and b with searchEmail and auditorId, or whatever you properties are. Also, you'll need to populate the data variable from ... wherever you get it.