Issue deploying configurable proxy (Apigee X)

Hi we are following the examples online and getting up to speed with configurable proxies (alpha preview). The following command fails after about 5 minutes and wonder if anyone has a notion of the cause of this error when deploying:

gcloud alpha apigee archives deploy --organization=lala-apigex-d --environment=lala-configurable-archive --source=c:/lala/apigex-eval
Waiting for operation [xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx] to complete...failed.
ERROR: (gcloud.alpha.apigee.archives.deploy) Failed to await operation:
Details: waiting for desired ingress to be updated

Many thanks for your attention!

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Can you please perform a HTTP GET on /v1/organizations/{org}/operations/{operation-id} and see if there are additional details on why the operation failed?

Thank you for the suggestion, will let you know what we find.

Any luck on retrieving the operation details? A simpler way is to use the gcloud CLI :

gcloud alpha apigee operations describe $OPERATION_ID --organization=$ORG_ID

 Alternatively, we may be able to have support or engineering look into the internal details if you file an official issue.

@josheinhorn Apologies and thank you for your patience, I was away a couple days. 

I started again and yay~ the command completed. Meanwhile we cannot see the proxy in the Apigee X GUI in the project. WHen I run the describe action, Here is the result:

gcloud alpha apigee operations describe 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123412341234

Using Apigee organization `xx-xx-apigex-d`
done: true
operationType: INSERT
targetResourceName: organizations/xx-xx-apigex-d/environments/eval-configurable-archive/archiveDeployments/xxxxxxxoperationId
name: organizations/xx-xx-apigex-d/operations/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123412341234
organization: xx-xx-apigex-d
uuid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123412341234


Thank you

@josheinhorn curious if you've had a chance to catch up with this post? It appears my configurable proxy succeeded in deployment  but I do not see anything in the Apigee X. Any thoughts? Very ground floor on doing configurable.