Is there something more than editing of the agent's default.yaml that's necessary to get spikearrest working?

Not applicable

I'm trying to get version 1.0.0 to work but am not seeing spikearrest fire. I've tried both minute and second and am blasting the endpoint with loads of hits.

0 1 126

Not applicable

Spikearrest is configured by setting these properties (for example) -

  timeUnit: minute
  allow: 10

The agent has to be restarted to pickup changes to config/default.yaml. After restarting the agent, ensure the changes are picked up by examining the cached config in /var/tmp/edgemicro-config-<org>-<env>.yaml.

After restarting the agent, spikearrest should work. If still not working, try restarting Edge Micro with DEBUG enabled -

$ edgemicro agent proc -c ls


$ edgemicro agent proc -c stop -u MTQ0NDE2NTU5MDkwNQ

{ uid: 'MTQ0NDE2NTU5MDkwNQ',
  running: false,
  since: '2015-10-06T21:06:30.913Z' }

$ edgemicro agent proc -c start -k <key> -s <secret> -e DEBUG='*'

Note the extra -e (env) option. This will print a lot of debug output to the console which will help us identify the problem.