Is it possible to kind of lock/disable an Org for sometime and then later on revive it with the same state that it was?

Not applicable
1 6 133

you could, but why? what is the usecase?

To lock an org, just remove all the users from it -> nobody can access it, so its kind of locked

But traffic might still be flowing if proxies are deployed, if you even do not want that - then undeploy all the proxies.

Above steps, should lock the org and traffic until sysadmin adds back users and apis are deployed

Not applicable

We had lot of data in one of the org and wanted to restrict access for sometime until we take backup .So we were looking out for this option.

Thanks for the solution.

How about killing all processes like disabling routers / message processors / UI Server till you backup ? Works only in onPrem.

This would bring down the system which is not the option which we are looking at. We do not want other Orgs also to become Inactive.

Got it , You are ideally looking at something like maintenance kind of window with a message right ? Would you like to disable API Traffic or Management UI or Both ?

Hi @Sumacv , you can probably block external access to the management port 8080 and all your ports on Vhosts but not sure why do you want to restrict the access .