Is it possible to have an API Management running in OpenShift?

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I wonder if I could have an Apigee API Management running in a PaaS like OpenShift of Redhat. According to Apigee requirements it looks possible. By other hand I've seen that others API Management Solutions haven't had great success running on OpenShift. Can someone help me? Thanks!

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Dear @Andres Margendie Benoit , Welcome to Apigee Community 🙂 Great Question, Apigee has OPDK version which can run on onpremise. Ideally, it should work on openshift too. Let me ask our experts to comment here if anyone has experience using Apigee in openshift.

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@Andres Margendie Benoit - Previously this answer said "Yes, it's possible", but the true answer is a bit more complicated.

It's possible to run Apigee API Management "OPDK" in OpenShift. But that configuration is not supported.

Do we have customer examples of openshift implementation @Prithpal Bhogill & can they be introduced to a customer ?

Hi, Would be great if you can share some samples or guides on the integration between Apigee and Openshift

Hi Can we deploye APIGee on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform with UPI on Bare metal ?

Yes, Openshift is supported for Apigee hybrid.  See supported platforms here.