Is Apigee capable of mirroring traffic to multiple endpoints?

So my team is having a discussion of potentially switching from Envoy to Apigee as an edge proxy. There many services in production at the moment, yet my company is starting to rebuild each of those services. So as a test they would like to send 100% of traffic to the old services, while sending only a percentage of that traffic to the new service as well (i.e. send 2% of the existing traffic to new_service).

In Envoy this is possible with their Shadow Mirror policy, yet we have had many issues getting this to work correctly as there is not much in the way of examples to work off of. The hope is the Apigee is capable of this as well. So is this possible?

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No, Apigee does not have a shadow mirror policy.

You could build it, using a pair of ServiceCallout policies. But it's not built in.

Many customers using Apigee to do A/B splits (98% to system1, 2% to system 2, and then shifting that split over time). But I don't know of people doing shadow mirroring.

Hi @Dolapo Fayemi, I understand you have used Envoy but have you tried Istio? Istio also uses Envoy as a Proxy with has Mirroring/Shadowing feature. I have used this in couple of my projects and saw no issues.

You can shift your proxies to Apigee and can also integrate Istio with Apigee.

I have not tried Istio actually. The company we're helping out wanted Envoy to be used, but I did notice that Istio had much more support. I was under the impression it was used more for the Google Cloud with Kubernetes. I'm glad you suggested it, I shall give Istio a harder look then.