Invalid virtual host reference while deploying in prod environment

I am trying to implement the two way ssl authentication with trial account but getting errors even after mentioned all parameters in virtual host.

Please help me to resolve this issue

I am using trial account and using secure virtual host to implement mutual authentication but getting errors.


 <VirtualHost name="secure">
     <Property name="ssl_protocols">TLSv1.2</Property> 
        <Property name="ssl_ciphers">HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5:!DH+3DES:!kEDH</Property>
0 1 549

"Invalid Virtual host reference" tells me that your API Proxy endpoint is pointing to a vhost that is not valid.

There are two things to check

  • the name of the vhost (or vhosts) specified in the proxy endpoint
  • the existence of that vhost in the environment to which you are trying to deploy

You showed a VirtualHost definition. That is not so useful. The question is, does it exist in the environment?

You also showed a screenshot of what looks like... a virtualhost definition jammed into your proxy endpoint. That's not where it goes.

This is what the proxy endpoint is supposed to look like:

<ProxyEndpoint name="endpoint1">
  <Description>Proxy Endpoint 1</Description>

Note- the value inside the VirtualHost element is a NAME. That is the only thing allowed there. A NAME of a vhost. I have shown a name of "secure" in this example.

Elsewhere, you must insure that the named vhost exists. Do this by surfing to in the Apigee Admin UI.

This is probably in your case.

From the resulting screen, select the appropriate environment. Prod or test.

Select the vhost and you can alter or edit it. Or you can define a new one.

Or, you can perform these edit / create operations via the documented Administrative API.

Bottom line: The full details of the vhost definition do not belong in the proxy endpoint.