Internal Server Error when generating a proxy from a spec


I'm running into a problem while trying to generate an api-proxy from a spec I've created. Where whenever I try to create the proxy, it gives me an Internal Server Error. I can click it away and continue with creating my proxy. But it doesn't have any of the paths that I set up in the spec.


Is there a reason that it does this? Like is my spec not correct, is the server I'm referring to wrong. Or what could it be?

I'm still quite new to Apigee. So any help or tips are welcome.

6 21 1,702

We have the same problem. Please HELP!!!

we have the same problem please help Error Id : 5465705526

I opened a Case and Apigee acknowledges the bug. They're fixing it, but cannot tell us when.

Thank you for opening the case. Let's hope it'll be solved soon.

Same problem here, thank you so much for opened a case @Richard Giaimo

Joining you Guys in queue, Richard and Paulina

I had a similar issue when I was trying to use my saved Specs files. However I tried to upload my spec file that I had saved on my local machine and it worked without any error. So I would suggest you save your OpenAPI specification file on your local machine and then use “Upload file” option to create your API proxy.

I hope this helps,

Thanks. Your solution works like charm.

For others who are also running into this issue, do this:

1. Go "Develop" -> "API Proxies" from the left-menu

2. Click "+ Proxy" from top-right corner

3. Select "Reverse Proxy"

4. Right underneath the selection, click "Use OpenAPI"

5. Go with "Upload File" selection.

I tried to upload the spec file using this method, but the spec doesn't show up under "Develop -> Specs" and I do not see the spec on my api product when I try to associate it to a portal.

Same problem here. Following Mohammad's idea I copied the content of the Spec froth edge page into a local file and then uploaded that while create a new proxy and it worked. Definitely the same content, definitely a different result.

Still no answer from Apigee as to when this bug will be fixed. It's been more than a week and this is critical GUI to make work again.

We are seeing this issue too -- when will this be fixed?

Yes . Facing Same issue.

Friends - I am still getting the same error. I saved it as a JSON file, and then tried uploading it, but continue to get " internal server error." Any help will be appreciated.

Same issue here, queuing here to see if there's any update. Meanwhile will try the download and upload method suggested.

New Member

adding to the queue. I am glad it is not just issue on my side!!! I was wrecking my brain if for some reason I skipped some stupid steps. Now I know it is a bug on Apigee site, not mine 🙂

one more in the Queue. I am also facing an issue in renaming the Spec(intermittent) .


My Observation :

Creating using the edge-swagger editor, Importing a spec file from desktop, Importing from a URL all the options work fine. However, if you try renaming the spec it fails intermittently.

Also, the actual problem is when you are trying to create a Proxy out of these specs. It works sometimes and it fails most of the times.

The only possible workaround that I am sticking to for now is, have the spec file locally on your desktop, upload it at the time of creating the Proxy and it uploads successfully WITHOUT "Internal Server Error" and also you will be able to see the paths that you defined in your spec.

I am able to proceed with this option after trying out all the permutations and combinations.


I had run in to same issue. And in my case updating the host in the swagger spec to {apigeeOrg}-{apigeeEnv} fixed the issue. This was in the trial org. apigeeOrg is the name of your apigee organization and apigeeEnv is the environment.

Same issue here

Same issue in a critical environment . Urgent support required.

using version 4.50.00