Integrated Developer Portal throws 500 Error when calling and support is down

Dear Apigee Community,

We are currently experiecing a Problem with our developer portal...without apparent changes the integrateded developer portal stopped working and throws following network error:

500 (Internal Server Error): Http failure response for 500 Internal Server Error

Does somebody has an idea what could cause such a behavior?

Bonus question: The support page seems to have changed...

... and stopped working for me. Any updates in that regard?



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Thank you for reaching out and informing us of this issue. We released a maintenence release late yesterday which had a bug in it which effected portals that had a custom logo defined in their custom theme but did not have a mobileLogo defined in their theme. We are working on a fix currently, but in the meantime, I have fixed your portal by uploading your current logo image file as the mobileLogo image file and your portal is back to working again. Will let you know once the fix for this issue is released.



Thanks corky, the portal seems to be working again!

There was one issue though i noted as well. When trying to update the SPEC file for an API Proxy on the portal, the changes are not applied. This is although the commands in the UI seems to be executed normally and without an error message

An issue I found, is that I am unable to see products that I have just created from an OpenAPI 3.0 spec in the developer portal.