Integrated Developer Portal current OAS support does not render examples correctly

Hi Guys,

We are hitting issues with some of our Open API Specs (versions 3.0.0, 3.0.1, 3.0.2) which render and work fine on SwaggerEditor. Particularly the examples section of the Open API Spec is 'destroying' our (yes legacy) SOAP examples. It does not seem to respect yaml multiline formatting (like YAML Multiline Strings (

As open API Spec that looks like this on swagger :


Ends up looking like this in the OAS examples section of the Integrated portal:
(which makes it an invalid SOAP request and it cannot be copied to the try it function directly without a fair bit of fixing. Not very friendly!)


As a workaround we are writing our sandbox examples in markup at the top of the OAS but it's a hack 


Can you please up the supported version of the OpenAPI Spec on the Integrated Developer Portal to OpenAPI 3.0.x? (I'm guessing that would be the issue here). Thanks.


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Still having this issue. Would be super helpful if OAS 3.0 could be supported in smart docs for the Integrated Portal? Our team is currently  performing gymnastics unnecessarily as a result.