Ingress Issue - Apigee Hybrid on EKS

Hi i am looking to install apigee hybrid (non-prod  setup) on AWS (EKS) latest version 1.10. EKS Kubernetes version is 1.27

I am following the installation steps mentioned at the documentation link -

I was able to execute steps 1-9 related to installation of apigee runtime, but encountered an issue at step 10 where i have to expose ingress  -

Below is how my service.yaml file looks like. I am using the AWS loadbalancer(ELB) IP that was returned by command below -



kubectl get svc -n apigee -l app=apigee-ingressgateway
NAME                                                TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP                                                                    PORT(S)                         AGE
apigee-ingressgateway-appmod-appmod-adgcp-e1343d1   LoadBalancer   10.xx.xx.220   15021:31962/TCP,443:31814/TCP   6h49m
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: apigee-ingress
  namespace: apigee
  - name: status-port
    port: 15021
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: 15021
  - name: https
    port: 443
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: 8443
    app: apigee-ingressgateway #required
    ingress_name: appmod
    org: appmod-xxx
  type: LoadBalancer


when I executed the command below after creating the service yaml file with required entries. I encountered a warning in ELB name that IP address was accepted but it will be invalid in future. However, the ingress service got created


kubectl apply -f service.yaml
Warning: spec.loadBalancerIP: IP address was accepted, but will be invalid in a future Kubernetes release: ParseAddr(""): unexpected character (at "")
service/apigee-ingress created


When i run the get service command. I am seeing external IP is still pending - 



as:~/apigee-hybrid-stuff/hybrid-files (appmod-adgcp)$ kubectl get svc -n apigee apigee-ingress
NAME             TYPE           CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                         AGE
apigee-ingress   LoadBalancer   <pending>     15021:32326/TCP,443:31337/TCP   39m


All run time components/pods are running and proxy also i am able to deploy. I also checked security groups associated with the ELB where the port 443 and 15021 are opened for

Can someone please help and let me know where is the problem and how to correct it. 

I also have some confusion with the environment group I created a A record in Cloud DNS with name and assigned it an IP (as that was the required in initial steps of part 1). What is the purpose of this DNS and which IP should it map to. Is it the DNS of Ingress ELB on AWS exposing apigee runtime ?


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@aakashsharmaa5 Did the issue got resolved? If yes please tell me how did it got resolved.