Implementing Client server setup

I have a fundamental question about whether apigee maintains context when going from a client HTML to another (server) endpoint in the same API proxy or different proxy. I will try to explain to the best that I can:

I have an endpoint

At the end of the preflow for this is a Javascript policy that displays an HTML page with a button.

The button is supposed to fetch() something from another endpoint such as

So, my broad question is, what contexts are available to the server_endpoint?

More specifically, I am seeking answers to the following:

1. Do I need to pass in an apikey in the fetch()?

2. Is it possible to access developer info in the server_endpoint?



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Not applicable

Apigee maintains rest design principles which are stateless. If you have dependency between api calls then you can use service callout in the api flow.

When you think about the even to trigger the api then that event should do the api call.

You can implement any security on top of your proxy in Apigee.

You need to pass the developer info from the proxy flow to the server as query or header or body as you need.