If I delete an App, will the associated access tokens be deleted?

Not applicable

If I delete an App, from the Management UI or through the API, will the access tokens associated with that app be deleted automatically?

3 3 189

the tokens are not deleted, but they become invalid. If someone tries to use the token, they will get an error 'invalid_token'

That' right @Sandeep Murusupalli, as @mukundha@apigee.com as said the token will basically be invalid. This behaviour is the same as when you use the invalidate token option on oauth policy, or when you delete a product, or when you create new API keys. All the earlier tokens that were generated until that point will become invalid. However, what we noticed was that there might be a few (mili) seconds to achieve consistency across all instances especially on the cloud. So there could be a rare chance that a call fired within a small window after the app is deleted, will go through successful validation. However you will reach consistent state very shortly after.

Not applicable

@Sandeep Murusupalli

Few points

1) There is a property at org level which can delete the tokens automatically from Cassandra once they are expired .

2) Accesstokens lying in database after an application is deleted can be a problem in some cases , its like stale data existing in the db which can cause space issues etc .

3) Deleting the tokens associated with deleted applications from application layer is a bad idea .

4) If we want to delete all the tokens from the db for some reason , the only best way I could think of is

delete the keys instead of the whole application and using a script delete all the tokens directly from tokens column family using the application name . // on private cloud .