How to verify a JWT claim to have any one of multiple values?

My JWT Payload is :

  "iss": "",
  "sub": "auth0|5a70e4e394059f5e7527d6b1",
  "aud": [
  "iat": 1518429498,
  "exp": 1518436698,
  "azp": "94YJaDlR5QDpaS7Em6aC02_gj6kA1Q_G",
  "scope": "profile"

My scope could be profile or id. Is there a way to configure Verify JWT to take any one of profile or id while asserting the claims?

This will verify the scope to have both profile and id.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<VerifyJWT async="false" continueOnError="true" enabled="true" name="verify-jwt-claims">
        <JWKS ref="var"/>
        <Claim name="scope" type="string">profile,id</Claim>

But is there a way to verify if the scope claim could be one of profile or id?

The other I could find was have a condition in the flow that

                       jwt.verify-jwt-claims.decoded.claim.scope == "profile"
                    OR jwt.verify-jwt-claims.decoded.claim.scope == "id"
0 7 770

Yes, using the RaiseFault Step with the Condition element after the VerifyJWT policy, the way you described, is the way to get what you want. Today there is no way to configure VerifyJWT, to check that a claim is one of a set of values.

We are looking into adding more flexibility into VerifyJWT, which would allow you to use a regular expression. Among other things, that would allow VerifyJWT to check that the value of a claim matches one of a set of values. (ref b/169068726). The proposed configuration is like this:

        <Claim name="scope" type="string" regex='(profile|id)'/>

But that is just a proposal. It has not been implemented. For now you have to use that external Condition.

Thank you Dino 🙂

@dchiesa1 so this never made it to Apigee Edge right? Because I can't find it in the documentation.

Correct, it's not in Apigee Edge at this time. The change has not been merged into the platform at this point. 

Reference: b/216666569

Any chance we can push that in or should I contact our KeyAccount?

Not applicable

We are doing the verification of claims in our infrastructure.

We are doing jwks token signature validation through verify jwt policy and then the claims are available in the flow. We are using a javascript to match the claims, if that matches it will proceed else the javascript will throw the error and the error will be handled in fault rules.

That works, too!