How to use LDAP Server in 3-Legged OAuth Application

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During Applyig 3-Legged OAuth to API Proxy how to use LDAP Server

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you want to use it for user authentication during the oauth flow? in that case, you could use

and pls review this for more information,

Former Community Member
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@Karan Meheta also the LDAP policy is only available for on-prem/private cloud version of Apigee Edge, not the cloud version.

Please take a look at the excellent, and recently revised end-to-end 3-legged OAuth sample (authorization code grant type). This example doesn't use LDAP specifically, but it does have an independent "user store" app that could be switched out for an LDAP user store. Here's what the README has to say about this user store:

user-mgmt-v1 -- A key/value store implementation for storing the user's login information. Implemented as an API proxy and deployed on Apigee Edge. An interface to any user management system could be plugged in here, such as LDAP.