How to substring the URL in Javascript

Hello all, 

I am stuck with the code to use substring in javascript to extract the part of URL.

I need to extract only /xyz

Thanks in advance.

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Change to "print" , as I said refer to Apigee javascript samples and make adjustments.

"Original address: "+url_add)

View solution in original post

Thank you everyone for your valuable time. Preferably I wanted to use only Javascript to reduce the redundancy of adding extra policies. I used the below script and it worked. 

const supplyUrl = "https://my.supplier/supplier/tariffSelectionG_E5449168?t=randomChars"
  if(supplyUrl.includes('?')) {
    const url = supplyUrl.split('?')
    if(url.length > 0) {
      const tariff = url[0].split('supplier/')
      console.log('tariff:', tariff[1])


View solution in original post


Add the javascript in the blog post to a javascript policy to extract the parts of the url to derive what you need.


I need to write javascript. The webpage doesn't return the script. If you know how to write the script, please let me know

Explain your use case. You will be using a javascript policy in your Apigee flow and the javascript source will have the following source (adjust to fir your requirements needs):

function break_address(url_add) {
    var data = url_add.split("://")
    var protocol = data[0];
   data = data[1].split(".com");
    var domain = data[0];
    data = data[1].split("/");

        return [protocol,domain,data[1]]
    return [protocol,domain]

var url_add = ""
console.log("Original address: "+url_add)

console command is giving error as it is not defined.

Change to "print" , as I said refer to Apigee javascript samples and make adjustments.

"Original address: "+url_add)

You don't need javascript for this. In the URI you provided - - /xyz is the basepath of the proxy. You can reference this directly using a built-in variable `proxy.basepath`.

Also, if you want a suburi, you can use the Extract Variables policy - specifically the URIPath element. More on that at

 As example -

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ExtractVariables async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="EV-suburi">
        <Pattern ignoreCase="false">/{suburi-0}</Pattern>
        <Pattern ignoreCase="false">/{suburi-0}/{suburi-1}</Pattern>
        <Pattern ignoreCase="false">/{suburi-0}/{suburi-1}/{suburi-2}</Pattern>
    <Variable name="proxy.basepath">
    <Source clearPayload="false">request</Source>

Screenshot 2023-04-28 at 10.58.48 AM.png

Thank you everyone for your valuable time. Preferably I wanted to use only Javascript to reduce the redundancy of adding extra policies. I used the below script and it worked. 

const supplyUrl = "https://my.supplier/supplier/tariffSelectionG_E5449168?t=randomChars"
  if(supplyUrl.includes('?')) {
    const url = supplyUrl.split('?')
    if(url.length > 0) {
      const tariff = url[0].split('supplier/')
      console.log('tariff:', tariff[1])


That works, too!