How to run apigee without incurring any costs for learning?

I was charged for a simple, Hello Guest! API for around $25.00.  I understand why because I exposed the api to the internet via load balancer, processer, etc. etc.  How can I test and learn using Apigee without incurring any cost?  I have very little time as I am a Dad with a daughter that is 17 and has been suffering from hidradenitis suppurativa stage 3 illness along with other GI issues, then I am a software engineer full time.   Just trying to ensure I stay up-to-date with technology and API(s) are the key to success in the software engineering/developer world.

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Yes, you found the right docs page. Apigee offers 60 day Eval license for Free tier access.  On the free tier you can try the option to ssh into the "managed-instance-group" instance and issue curl command to test your apis. This way you can avoid the cost on the loadbalancer. And you can reduce the managed-instance-group size be 1. Also make sure you are using the GCP free trial credit for 300$ This will cover your MIG instance costs.

After installing Apigee X, use the below steps to access your apigee deployed proxy endpoint and test it. 

From my scratch notes :

#ssh into the MIG (managed-instance-group) instance

gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID;
TOKEN=$(gcloud config config-helper --force-auth-refresh --format json | jq -r '.credential.access_token')
AUTH="Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"

export APIGEE_INSTANCE_IP=$(curl -H "$AUTH"$PROJECT_ID/instances -s | jq -r '.instances[0].host'); 
export ENV_GROUP_HOSTNAME=$(curl -H "$AUTH"$PROJECT_ID/envgroups -s | jq -r '.environmentGroups[0].hostnames[0]')



#After you have a proxy with basepath "/hello-world" deployed, you can access it via curl

curl https://$ENV_GROUP_HOSTNAME/hello-world --resolve $ENV_GROUP_HOSTNAME:443:$APIGEE_INSTANCE_IP -k -i

Hope this helps with your evaluation of Apigee and keep the costs to a minimum.


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I did find this with a quick Google Search -,need%20support%2....  However does that expose the API to the Internet so I can use Postman to make requests to get responses?

Yes, you found the right docs page. Apigee offers 60 day Eval license for Free tier access.  On the free tier you can try the option to ssh into the "managed-instance-group" instance and issue curl command to test your apis. This way you can avoid the cost on the loadbalancer. And you can reduce the managed-instance-group size be 1. Also make sure you are using the GCP free trial credit for 300$ This will cover your MIG instance costs.

After installing Apigee X, use the below steps to access your apigee deployed proxy endpoint and test it. 

From my scratch notes :

#ssh into the MIG (managed-instance-group) instance

gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID;
TOKEN=$(gcloud config config-helper --force-auth-refresh --format json | jq -r '.credential.access_token')
AUTH="Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"

export APIGEE_INSTANCE_IP=$(curl -H "$AUTH"$PROJECT_ID/instances -s | jq -r '.instances[0].host'); 
export ENV_GROUP_HOSTNAME=$(curl -H "$AUTH"$PROJECT_ID/envgroups -s | jq -r '.environmentGroups[0].hostnames[0]')



#After you have a proxy with basepath "/hello-world" deployed, you can access it via curl

curl https://$ENV_GROUP_HOSTNAME/hello-world --resolve $ENV_GROUP_HOSTNAME:443:$APIGEE_INSTANCE_IP -k -i

Hope this helps with your evaluation of Apigee and keep the costs to a minimum.


Ganadurai,  thank you for the response.  I had no knowledge of the FREE TRIAL credit.   Could have used that.  Hind sight is 20/20.  

For know I shut everything down to ensure I do not incur any cost.
