How to reset quota in FaultRules when quota defined in shared flow

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Generally if I put quota and reset quota in the same shared flow or if put quota in api proxy preflow and reset quota in FaultRules - all will work. But if I'd like split logic to shared flow so that one policy stay in proxy and other moved in shared flow - it doesn't work. Can please anybody help me how I can defined quota in shared flow and reset it in FaultRules? Second question: is it possible to reset quota in separeate call? errir is: Quota policy impose-quota is not attached.

0 1 222

Hi @Aliaksei Drapun, I didn't have any issue with this config,

how I can defined quota in shared flow and reset it in FaultRules

I used Quota(2 calls per minute) in SharedFlow and ResetQuota(5 calls per minutes) in Proxy FaultRules.


In Fault Rules, I am using an Assign Message policy to provide some custom message and a ResetQuota to add 5 more calls. This config is illogical, just for the sake of this example.

        <FaultRule name="quota-violation">
            <Condition>( == "QuotaViolation")</Condition>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<AssignMessage async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="fault_Quota-Limit">
            <Header name="X-API-Error">{faultString}</Header>
        <Payload contentType="application/json">
            \{"error":"Rate limit quota violation.",
              "detail":"Quota is set at 2pm",
              "note":"Reset Quota in fault rules would active after this error and add 5 more request to quota"}
        <ReasonPhrase>Quota Requests Exceeded</ReasonPhrase>
    <AssignTo createNew="false" transport="http" type="request"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ResetQuota async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="Add-Quota">
<!-- Quota name  - should be the same name used for Quota policy in SharedFlow -->
    <Quota name="Quota-1"> 
        <Identifier name="_default">

Second question: is it possible to reset quota in separeate call? errir is: Quota policy impose-quota is not attached.

This error is given by ResetQuota Policy, check the name of the Quota used.

What do you mean by the separate call?