How to map generated device UUID on my mobile's UUID?

Not applicable

Hi everybody I try to create push notifications on my ios device. I create a certificate, create notifier, user. And make the POST request on /devices with name device1.

The system generates me the following JSON

  "uuid": "a1979b7a-0c85-11e6-b64f-7dc941540709",
  "type": "devices",
  "name": "device1",
  "created": 1461767876263,
  "modified": 1461767876263,
  "metadata": {
    "path": "/devices/a1979b7a-0c85-11e6-b64f-7dc941540709",
    "collections": {
      "receipts": "/devices/a1979b7a-0c85-11e6-b64f-7dc941540709/receipts",
      "users": "/devices/a1979b7a-0c85-11e6-b64f-7dc941540709/users"

How can I map generated uuid on my mobile uuid? And how can I know my mobile's UUID?

0 1 117

Not applicable

You can directly do push notification to the newly added device using the "name" like below.

curl -X POST{org}/{appname}/devices/device1/notifications -d '{"payloads":{notifier: message}}