How to make Instagram API return the important(popular) images?

Not applicable

This is what i'm getting

This is what i should get


I've inserted the correct client_id, even then it's not working. Any help will be appreciated.

0 8 1,693

@shipra sinha , When you said "This is what i should get" with a screenshot that means API call worked for you right ? What's the diff between two calls that you have made ?

Not applicable

@Anil Sagar the second screenshot is from a tutorial I'm following. And I'm not getting the same result.

@shipra sinha , Seems like Apigee Instagram Console is broken. Can you please point me to the tutorial you are following ?

@Anil Sagar Sure, this is the link to the tutorial Node App

Hi @shipra sinha,

The screenshot depicts that the instagram endpoint is Oauth bounded and expects a header Authorization with Access Token.

Kindly try it with Authorization header and check if it works for you.

Hey, thanks for the tips, I'll try that! I have no idea how to properly use instagram yet.. I may be too old for this, but I decided that it's never too late to start something. I love taking photos and my nephew told me to make a page on instagram and upload my photos there, so people would see what I am doing. He even told me to use this to attract more people to my page so that in the future I could do photoshoots and so on.. I hope it works 🙂

The remaining Instagram Legacy API permission ("Basic Permission") was disabled on June 29, 2020. As of June 29, third-party apps no longer have access to the Legacy API. To avoid disruption of service to your app and business, developers previously using the Legacy API should instead rely on Instagram Basic Display API and Instagram Graph API.

Platform Changelog Jun 29, 2020. The Instagram Legacy API is deprecated. To access data in Instagram accounts, please use the Instagram Graph API or the Instagram Basic Display API.. Oct 15, 2019.