How to include policies and shared flows information in ingesting data to Splunk?

I am new to Apigee Edge and would like to confirm if what I'm trying to achieve below is possible.

Basically, I am ingesting logs to Splunk and was able to do it using the ServiceCallout which is executed from the Apigee PostClientFlow to send data to Splunk. I used the built-in Apigee variables from the link below as a reference in constructing my data.

Now, part of our requirement is to include what are those policies and shared flows that are executed on certain API proxy call. Is it possible to grab that information maybe into a JSON array? We are thinking that this is useful when troubleshooting to determine at what point the proxy processing failed. Thanks in advance.

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General opinion..

Why? Unsure if it is possible.

You would do better logging/error handling as apposed to collecting such meta data to slow down performance (if at all you  find a way).

Just checked in one trace only one which apigee does is -stepDefinition-name which has the policy names & which is not exposed as it is overwritten during the execution.

Anyways for any failures you will have information about the proxy name as part of error

Will wait for experts..