How to get list of deployed proxies in an enviroment through a script

Hello Community,

I have a requirement to get a list of API Proxies deployed in a Particular environment and dump them into an CSV/Excel file. is there any sample python script file to run on Jenkins and get the list into a file.

Please Suggest


0 2 828

You can use the Get API Proxy Deployments for an Environment API,

or the apigeetool command line tool

apigeetool listdeployments -u $APIGEE_USER -p $APIGEE_PASSWORD -o $APIGEE_ORG -e $APIGEE_ENV

From there it's pretty straightforward to convert the result into a csv file

What data do you need in the CSV?

It's pretty simple to use the API.

# to use this you must install requests, see
import requests
import netrc

mgmtserver = ''
org = 'MYORG'
env = 'MYENV'

# obtain credentials from .netrc
netrc = netrc.netrc()
authTokens = netrc.authenticators(mgmtserver)
username = authTokens[0]
password = authTokens[2]

baseurl = 'https://' + mgmtserver + '/v1/o/' + org  
url = baseurl + '/apis'
#print('GET ' + url)
r = requests.get(url, auth=(username, password), headers = {'accept': 'application/json'})

for proxy in r.json():
    proxyurl = baseurl + '/apis/' + proxy + '/deployments'
    #print('GET ' + proxyurl)
    p = requests.get(proxyurl, auth=(authTokens[0], authTokens[2]), headers = {'accept': 'application/json'})
    for deployment in p.json()['environment']:
        if deployment['name'] == env:
            for revision in deployment['revision']:
                s = '%s,%s,%s' % (proxy, revision['name'], env)