How to find which message processor is processing the request.


How to find which message processor is processing the request. we have 2 message processors.

1 5 700

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Explain what you want to do with that information.

Also, be aware that "we have 2 message processors" is a statement that can be true only for a given point-in-time. If you use Apigee Edge SaaS, there's no way to be sure how many message processors might be supporting your system at any moment, and it's certain that the number of MPs will change over time.

Thanks @Dino. Yes, statement can the true for a given point-in- time. my question was out of curiosity.

Not applicable

system.uuid should give you the UUID of the MP processing the request.

@psunda thanks. Could you please suggest me how to use this system.uuid. Can we use in JS policy.

@Mahipal Singh Yes. It can be used in JS. Can be accessed as part of the context:
