How to deploy dependent components of a Proxy using CI/CD

A proxy might be using a few Shared flows, a target server.

Is there a way we can deploy all dependencies of a proxy programmatically?

Like, I was trying to deploy a proxy from one org to another using the a CI/CD script which makes use  of the Apigee Management REST APIs.

But I noticed a new shared flow and a new target server was used by a dev and that hasn't been deployed at all in the new org.

Can you please advise on a approach to deploy all dependencies of a proxy?

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1. As shared flows are intended to be reused across multiple API Proxies, you should separately deploy the shared flow followed by the API proxy. You could use the apigee maven deploy plugin, which I'm assuming you're using for your API Proxy to also deploy Shared Flows.

2. There's also a maven config plugin that allows configuration such as target servers to be configured via CI CD. The samples also includes one that deploys a proxy with configuration.

yes, and to extend this response... there is no magic "flag" when deploying an API proxy that tells Apigee "deploy all of its dependencies too". 

Although I can imagine that would be a nice thing to have. At the very least, a way to ask Apigee to catalog the dependencies (KVMs, SharedFlows, etc) and then show the status (available / not available) of each of those dependencies in an environment. 


@dchiesa1Is there current implementation/API available to "ask Apigee to catalog the dependencies (KVMs, SharedFlows, etc) and then show the status (available / not available) of each of those dependencies in an environment" ?

No.  I'm sorry for being unclear. There is no such API.

What I meant to say was, it would be a nice thing to have.  We don't have such a thing, and it would be nice to have such a thing. 
