How to connect to oracle db and execute stored procedure from Apigee proxy

How to connect to oracle db and execute stored procedure from Apigee proxy? How to configure Oracle connection parameters?

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It can be achieved with extension policy (mainly, java or node.js):

See example for oracle:

var jdbc = require('trireme-jdbc');

var db = new jdbc.Database({
  url: 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@//oraclehostname:1521/ORCL',
  properties: {
    user: 'scott',
    password: 'tiger',
  minConnections: 1,
  maxConnections: 20,
  idleTimeout: 60

Also read this:

I personally can recommend you to move the JDBC logic to some middleware and focus with Apigee on API Management

@Denis Kalitviansky Can you please elaborate the configuration steps in details? i don't have java and node.js knowledge. How to get the jdbc driver?

OK if you don't know Java or nodejs, then you should follow Denis' recommendation: use some other middleware between Apigee and Oracle.

Apigee is a smart, configurable reverse HTTP Proxy. That means it can receive inbound HTTP requests and send outbound HTTP Requests. To connect Apigee to Oracle DB, the best way is via HTTP.

Here are some concrete suggestions on how to do that.