How static is the system.uuid for an MP?

I am trying to build a PoC using the system.uuid variable. Basically, I need to keep processing isolated between MPs and need some unique identifier for each MP which will remain static.

The question for me is how static is the system.uuid that an MP is assigned?

I understand this is assigned by zookeeper right? Is this uuid liable to change and if yes, what are the conditions by which it would change? For example during an MP restart, or during ZK restart itself, etc?

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So need a sticky session between the router and the mp? I have seen clients link a router to an MP so that all requests to a router are only forwarded to one MP. It sounds like what you are trying to do is at the API layer, so I'm not sure if they would help your use case.

they do not change, they are generated when MPs are installed and stored with ZK [via mgmt registration], they span the entire life of the MP

so, what are you trying to do?