How does Apigee track organizations for monetization?


I'm researching Apigee for a project my company is working on, specifically the monetization piece. We're trying to figure out if Apigee will work for our use case, specifically how customizable the monetization piece is in determining which organization should be billed.

We're running a spring boot microservices cluster secured with a custom spring security OAuth2 authentication server and a spring cloud gateway. Determining which organization should be billed by for a given request is based on a combination of one or more of the client credentials, the user credentials, and certain headers. Is that something that Apigee's monetization would be able to handle?

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Monetization works by creating Rate Plans (e.g. 0-100 calls cost $.01 each).

More specifically you have control over when a call should be monetized, you configure a transaction recording policy that indicates when to charge (e.g. request.header.X-monetization = OK) or any flow variable you want.

Usage is associated with an App and an App can be for a Developer or Company.