¿How do you obtain the Authorization data for the cURL of the management API that creates an App?

In the Apigee Management API that serves to create an App, when one executes it in https://apidocs.apigee.com/management/apis/post/organizations/%7Borg_name%7D/developers/%7Bdeveloper... a cURL is generated that includes as header the data "Authorization" to which it assigns as "Basic" value and a serial: ¿this value that is automatically assigned to the "Authorization" data as I obtain it? I see that the same value is always being generated. I ask because I need to use this cURL from the Back-end of an application that we are integrating with Apigee, and I want to know if I should always assign "Authorization" the same value that is generated in this page where I am doing the tests (the one I mentioned at the beginning) regardless of the data included in the cURL (data of the product used in the Request, data of the developer included in the URL, ...); and if I do not have to use the same data, then ¿how do I obtain the variable data?

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It uses HTTP Basic Authorization.

Have you got administrative credentials? Those creds are used to generate the header.

This is described here: https://apidocs.apigee.com/

under the section entitled "Getting Started..."