How do I automate the APIgee server health check ?

hello All,

We have huge number of production and non-production servers distributed across different clusters.

Finding the status of the services for health check manually has become a tedious task. I want to automate it such that it should login to all servers from one server and collect the services status and then send a report to our email. I want to put this in crontab and run it for every 10 minutes.

We have to execute below commands in every server :

1. df -h ----> to check the disk space of the server

2. Login to pseudo user using below command and enter a password and then execute status command.

dzdo su - <<pseudo user>>

password : <<enter the password here>>

/opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-all status

I tried to implement the unix script but i got stuck in the second step. When i run the script, i see the pseudo user password prompt. I want to pass the password and execute the status command. I want to collect all the output in a file for all servers and send that as email.

I would like to know the possibilities of doing this in python too.

I would like someone here to help me to accomplish this.



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Hi @Madhusudhan Ganji have you considered using the monitoring dashboard - It gives you Dashboards to monitor CPU, Disk, Heap usage etc. for most of the Apigee components.