How can I disable developer account creation in the NEW developer portal?

Not applicable

We create developer accounts on our own platform and then use the Apigee Management API to create the account at Apigee. This allows us to control a variety of things to ensure that the developer accounts match and have appropriate access to backend resources. Sadly for us this process breaks if the eager developer has already created an account directly on the Apgigee Developer Portal.

I can't find either the /login or the /create page so I'm not sure how to fix this. I have tried adding a /create page of my own, but the default /create page seems to be the one that gets called.

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@James B Robinson ,

As far as i know, It's NOT supported as of today in New Developer Portal. Apigee Developer Portal based on Drupal supports above features out of the box.

@Marsh Gardiner / @Chris Novak, Any thing you would like to add here ? Any plans to have these as settings in New Developer Portal ?

Yes, there are no controls for registration new portals, but this is something we're working on. @James B Robinson, if developer registration required admin approval, would that solve your problem? Or do you need to be able to disable the create page entirely?

A very hacky way to do this would be to write some custom javascript in the portal settings page that would remove the login element and replace it with a notice. This is by no means elegant, as it would run on every page, but it might help in your specific case.

Admin approval would be better than nothing. Removing (or hiding) the create page and its links would be best. We may get around to doing this in our already extensive and hacky custom javascript.

Not applicable

We also had a similar need to disable account creation on the "new" developer portal. A quick little css hack to simply remove the sign up link on the bottom of the login form served our needs for now.

To implement this css hack navigate to the portal "theme" page where you can modify/overwrite the css and append the following:

#login-form p.text-center { display: none !important }

In addition to removing the ability to create an account we didn't want any of the developer portal pages to be viewed by anyone who didn't already have an account. To do this we implemented the following javascript hack which redirects all pages to the login form if the user is not already logged in.

<script type="text/javascript">
function getQueryParam(name) {
    var url = window.location.href;
    name = name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, "\\$&");
    var regex = new RegExp("[?&]" + name + "(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)"), results = regex.exec(url);
    if (!results || !results[2]) return '';
    return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, " "));

function isLoginVerified(){
              console.log('verifying login');
		var t = readCookie('portalSession');
		if ((t && t.length) || window.location.pathname=='/login') {
			var jqxhr = $.post(api + "/validate", {"token": t})
				.done(function (res) {
				.fail(function (res) {
		} else if( window.location.pathname!='/login'){

    var qt = getQueryParam('t');
    if( window.location.pathname!=='/login' && !qt.length ) isLoginVerified();

Short and sweet! Thanks for this.

Nice hack @ZACHARY HOROWITZ , Thank you for sharing with community, +1