How can I apply different quota on individual proxy for the same API consumer/customer

Use case: I want to apply different quota for individual proxy for same consumer/customer
Suppose I have 2 proxies proxy 1 and proxy 2:
Proxy 1: 1000 rps

Proxy 2: 2000 rps

Is this the valid use case? or we should use quota at product level instead of going into proxy level

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Is this the valid use case? or we should use quota at product level instead of going into proxy level

Sure, it's valid. Some people want rate limits at the proxy level. Some want them at the product level. You can choose what makes sense for you. 

But let me add a little more information. 

When you configure a Quota policy in Apigee, currently, the implementation uses the STEP NAME and the PROXY NAME  in the quota bucket identifier. That means that you get a distinct rate limit counter for each proxy, and indeed for each Quota policy in each proxy. So you will automatically get separate counts for proxy1 and proxy2, unless you take steps to avoid that.

More information in this old community Q&A.