How API Models created on APIGEE Edge are synced with different Developer Portals

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When we create API Models and import swagger json on Developer Portal for Swagger API Documentation, they are also created on associated Edge.

1)So now if we change the associated Edge, then does the models created on that Edge are automatically imported in the Developer Portal but the API Model content/API documentation is not visible But we want the documentation to be imported from one Edge to another Edge so that we don't have to create same Models again on Developer Portal ?

2)Also if we delete published API's on developerPortal,whether it will delete API's on edge.

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I believe you mean "Edge organization" when you say "associated Edge"?

1) If you switch the Drupal Dev Portal to point to a different Edge organization, you will need to import the specs over again into that org.

2) From the model listing page, if you select "Delete" from the options dropdown, it will delete the model from the Edge organization so it will be completely gone. However, it will warn you before allowing you to do this and suggest you may want to just delete a method instead. If you delete a method node, it does not delete the corresponding method on the modeling backend.