Hosted target deployment independent of the api proxy

We are doing POC's around hosted targets to understand their behaviour.Below is a question we have on the deployment of the node app used by hosted targets

From the definition hosted targets are running in a seperate container.If so is it possible to make changes and deploy them independently without changing the api.

Like I create a hosted target proxy and now if i want to change some code in the node app can i do that independently and deploy that change without touching the api

Please let me know your thoughts


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No, you cannot manage the proxy and the resulting Hosted Target independently. The HT code is stored within the proxy bundle and only when the proxy bundle is deployed do we take the HT code, package it up and deploy it. The only way to affect the HT code deployed and running is to manage the proxy that contains it.


Funny, someone asked this question here on community, just last week.

And the answer is the same as what I offered there:

there is no way to update "just the Hosted Target code", independently of the API Proxy that contains the Hosted Target code.

If you want to be able to independently update that code, then I suggest that maybe you want a different system to host that code? Perhaps look at Google App Engine or one of the other Google cloud properties for running your custom code. The upside of this is you can run code written in any language - Java, .NET Core, Python, golang, nodejs, and more.

@Prithpal Bhogill - FYI, in case you want to contribute a different view.