HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Error - API Key/Header

Not applicable

Receiving HTTP/1.1 404 Error when following directions in Apigee docs for passing API key in HTTP Header. (

Added <APIKey ref="request.header.apikey"/> to "verify API key" in Develop tab of API proxy.

Used cURL to pass API key:

curl -v -H "apikey: XXXXX"


< HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

0 1 1,874

Hi @Michelle Chandra,

Here are two suggestions:

1. Could you double-check that the URL in your cURL command is the same as your proxy URL? The correct URL for your proxy appears on the Overview tab in the proxy UI. Does your proxy path include the "/v1"?

2. Is your proxy deployed? Also in the Overview tab, you can use the Deployment menu to check, and deploy if you find it's not. Be sure it's deployed in the same environment that you're using in the URL. E.g., test or prod.

Were you able to get it to work with the API key in a query parameter in the first part of the tutorial?
