HTML Formatting of Apigee Proxy Description


Is there a way to format Apigee Proxy Description field with line breaks/ordered lists (HTML Tags or something else?). We would like to write structured pre-formatted description in our proxies.

I tried a few things (new line, break, etc.) but it didn't seem to work. I am wondering if there is an option someone has tried.

Please see screenshot below


Thanks for your inputs

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I understand what you mean and I think that's a good request for a feature. Unfortunately there is no support directly in the product for Markdown or HTML in the description field.

I don't know of a way to get what you want "out of the box". I will defer to other answers, in case anyone has something good to share on this.

If you REALLY thought it was important you could do a TamperMonkey script to fiddle with the UI, to get it to appear the way you'd like. THIS IS A COMPLETE HACK, but it will accomplish the goal if that is what you want.

If you don't know TamperMonkey, it's a way to provide logic to run in your browser, alongside or in addition to any logic that runs in the browser page as served from the origin. So you can set up a script to run every time a browser tab visits . Inside the logic you can look for specific page elements, and then "do something" with those page elements. One thing you could do is reformat a "description" field from Markdown (or some other simple format) into HTML. This is a pretty straightforward application of TamperMonkey and is just what the designers of that tool expected people would do with it: customize the look of webpages. TamperMonkey is free.

The downside is that TM scripts can be brittle. If the UI for the apigee edge page changes, then your TM script may no longer function as it once did.

I am familiar with Tamper Monkey.

However, what i described was the end result. My process to assemble that description is more dynamic

The actual implementation was for the Deployment Pipeline to inject metadata (certain non identifying fields) into the description field. So, it's not a static description inside a proxy, only the delivery automation process is aware of this metadata.

I actually did try making this a xml comment in the proxy xml first, but edge ui does a good job of hiding the comment and doesn't display it, so i tried switching to using the description.

Will wait to see if someone has used anything else. But thank you for taking the time to answer.